Do Aquarium Pets Beg?

This past Monday was the tournament for my Monday night volleyball league. Like I did during the tourney for my Thursday night league, I sat around talking to my teammates. And, like what happened then with that conversation leading to blog material (see “Wives Judging Wives”), Monday night’s conversation also provided blog material. (This time for the Pets Blog, though, instead of the Marriage Blog.) It all started once I told two girls on my team, Jennifer and Susan, what exactly it is I do during the day. Susan’s an ardent animal lover. She’s very involved with rescuing dogs. At … Continue reading

Family Fun Week in Review

What a week in Family Fun! We learned new ways to store old things, were prompted to reflect on our history and were given a few wonderful ideas to make Valentine’s Day fun for our kids at school. More than anything though, this past week made our mouths-water with talk of succulent ribs, grocery store samples, root beer floats and fresh fruit salad. As always, the family fun bloggers were hard at work filling our minds with inventive ideas for pleasant activities and humorous escapades all while trying to expand our collective waistline! Lauri offered a Project Box to both … Continue reading