Mistress of the Revolution – Catherine Delors

“Mistress of the Revolution” is a beautifully packaged historical fiction novel by first-time author Catherine Delors. Set in the midst of the French Revolution, it features the romance, drama, and intrigue we have come to expect from books of that era. What sets this book apart from the rest is the personal knowledge the author has of this time and place – herself a Frenchwoman, she grew up with these stories as her own heritage. Our story is about Gabrielle de Montserrat, a young lady who was sent off to live with a wet nurse as soon as she was … Continue reading

Supporting Minority Teachers

When attending teacher workshops or in-service trainings, I have noticed one thing in common among elementary school teachers in Tennessee and surrounding states. It appears that most teachers in this area are white females. It is very rare to have over a few male teachers at these conferences. There are also very few teachers from different ethnic backgrounds and cultures. It also appears that white teachers must be the common majority in other areas of the country. There has been an identified shortage of male and minority teachers among public schools across the country. Several Midwestern universities also made this … Continue reading

Games of Tag From Around the World

Here are some fun versions of tag from around the world that you could play at a family culture night, a party, or with a group of friends. One Legged Rabbit from Thailand The players form two even groups. An area, not to large, is marked out and one group stays within this area. The other group is chosen to be the rabbits and wait outside the area. One rabbit hops on one leg into the area and tries to touch as many people in the other group as possible. Players are out if they are touched or go outside … Continue reading