Easy Solar Prints

Today’s wonderful sunshine reminded me of a fun craft project that takes advantage of a sunny day. Solar prints are easy, quick and fascinating. You’ll need to make a trip to an office supply store for blueprint paper. You can also buy it online at Amazon, or buy kits like the Solar Print Kit or the Sunlight Print Kit that do the same thing. When blueprint paper is exposed to sunlight it turns a rich, deep blue. While you are still inside, put your blueprint paper on a tray, or clip it to a clipboard. Arrange all kinds of objects … Continue reading

Magic Halloween Paint Project for Preschoolers

Halloween is a magic time of year. Here’s an easy painting project that preschoolers and even older children will be enchanted by. It only takes a few minutes and a few supplies. You’ll need a yellow piece of paper, a yellow crayon, a large paintbrush, and orange watercolor paint. On the paper, draw in a pumpkin shape with the yellow crayon. No, it won’t really show up very well. That’s actually the idea. You can draw a face on your pumpkin, or just make lines if your family doesn’t celebrate Halloween. You can make a scary pumpkin, or a smiling … Continue reading

Easy Paint Projects for Preschoolers

Take three boys, add a great preschool art program – and what you get is a big stack of art projects. I don’t know what to do with all the papers. My boys are all well beyond preschool age, and I doubt that they will ever want 100 or so decaying tempera paint and construction paper projects. But it’s hard on my mama-heart to throw any of the papers out. They were so proud, and they learned so much. The pictures make me remember their chubby little paint-stained fingers. They really did have a great preschool. Art teaches confidence, problem … Continue reading

Crayon Rubbings – Easy Art Project

I love easy art projects. Crayon rubbings are one of those obvious, easy art ideas that I often forget about. Crayon rubbing makes a nice lesson for texture and shape too. I like to use the broken crayons for this, but whole ones work too. Have the kids remove the paper. Small children love to tear off the crayon paper. Then show the child how to lightly rub the paper with the side of the crayon. Put torn paper, cut out shapes of paper, even those die cuts from scrap-booking under the top paper. Notice the outlines of the shapes … Continue reading

To Draw

Children just love to draw, don’t they. It’s probably one of the first ways that they can more permanently influence something outside of themselves. While the toys always get picked up, and the block towers always get knocked down, the drawing they give to Mom and Dad that hangs on the fridge remains. An artifact of something they’d done before. While looking at their art is something quite special, the act of transferring pigment or a marking to another surface is the stuff of magic. The reason many people seem to want to write a novel (or is it a … Continue reading

Spring is the Season of Green… Barf

I think my dogs Moose and Lally are jealous. With spending so much time interviewing writer friends lately, I haven’t been talking about them as much. Somebody’s jealous. Somebody came up with a GREAT way to get featured in a blog: barf a mysterious green liquid in the living room while I was in the shower. I always know something is up if one or both of the dogs is in the bathroom with me when I’m done in the shower. Usually, they avoid it like the plague. Running water? Soap? That could mean a dreaded bath! Today, Lally greeted … Continue reading

Week in Review – Family Fun

What a great week we’ve had over in the Family Fun section. We’ve done laundry and washed our cars, emptied tissue boxes and torn paper off crayons. All of that may not sound like fun, but our bloggers made us laugh and enjoy our chores as we got both work and play done. Kelly Trainor joined our team. She has a great sense of humor and a marvelous writing style. We know she’s going to add a lot of needed laughs to our days. Kelly began our week with a touching story of her grandmother and a reminder of the … Continue reading