Has the Piggy Bank Left Us for Good?

I can’t remember the last time I saw a piggy bank outside a Toy Story movie. It used to be that every child had one, although I’m unsure as to the history of the piggy bank, or why someone thought that sticking money into a porcelain pig was a great idea. But the point is, children used to earn their allowance by doing jobs, and then they would carefully plunk their coins into the back of their little piggy, and then they’d rattle it to see if it sounded any different. It was a ritual, a happy childhood tradition. In … Continue reading

Cute Piggy Bank

Saving change adds up, even if you just save pennies. This project will show you how to make an adorable piggy bank to store all those pennies (dimes and nickels will work too, but not quarters). Items Needed: 1 two liter plastic soda bottle Craft paint Paper Black, white, and pink felt (optional) Scissors Glue Wooden spools Directions: First, paint the lid pink. Set aside to dry. This will be the piggy’s nose, so when dry, paint two nostril holes or draw them on with marker. Lay the bottle on its side. For legs, use wooden spools, dowels, or ping … Continue reading

Debit Cards and Responsibility

How do you teach your children the value of money when you are so busy stretching it from paycheck to paycheck? When I became a single mother with lots of debt and bad credit I was determined that Hailey would never find herself in the same boat. When I was growing up we never talked about money, all we heard was that we had none. We had no idea why or where it went. I didn’t realize all the things that went into maintaining a home until I had my first apartment. Who knew you had to pay a light … Continue reading

What to Do with Trash

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, we Americans produce approximately 220 million tons of garbage each year. In case you were wondering, that is enough trash to cover the entire state of Texas – twice! It is estimated that each of us produce, on average, about four pounds of garbage each day. That’s about all the statistics I am going to go into because math hurts my head, but let’s just say, we have tons of trash. Of course, you can use some of it to make compost, but, you can turn some of your other trash into useful items … Continue reading

Friday Frugal Funnies – 16 Signs You Are Really Broke

Another weekend is upon us, and so is the end of the month. If you are like many people, you might be feeling a tad uncomfortable with the money you have left. It tends to get pretty tight for some, especially at the end of the month. Our entire frugal living blog is designed to help you save money in area’s of your life. So maybe you’ll have some leftover money when it finally does get here. Thought you might like a little joke to end your week, and get the weekend started on the right foot! With smiles and … Continue reading

Stretch Those Craft Dollars

Do you enjoy doing craft projects with your kids? If so, you have probably come across some really cute projects. The only problem is that some can be quite expensive. Try these tips to stretch those craft dollars: Craft Kits Before buying expensive craft kits, check the clearance section of craft shops and online stores for discounts. Also, take a really good look at the kit and see if you can make the project yourself with your own supplies. In many cases, the crafts are simple and this is a do-able solution. The kits are more convenient because they have … Continue reading

Baby Shower Games

Looking for a way to have fun at a baby shower and to entertain not only the mom-to-be, but also to just have a good time with the girls. Moms need the women in their lives and we need those girls’ nights out. You may not realize just how valuable those are right now, but the baby shower can be the first time you experience it. So here’s some games that can be a lot of fun to play at your baby shower or at a baby shower you are giving for someone else. Baby Bingo Get a few take … Continue reading