Fun Items for Frugal Dress Up Play

There is a quick and easy way to entertain your preschooler for at least half an hour or so. Let him or her play dress up! Preschoolers tend to love this activity because it lets them “become” someone else for a while. Dress up is a great opportunity for using one’s imagination. Here are some frugal ideas for dress up play. Frugal Dress Up Ideas for Preschoolers Old Costumes Previously worn Halloween costumes are great for playing dress up in. Your child can become a princess, a superhero, or both in the same day. Reuse the Halloween costumes that your … Continue reading

Shape Up, We Can Do It Without You

Over the past few decades we have seen the rapid change in the dynamics of our society. More and more women are going to college, are out in the work field, and climbing the corporate ladder. The problem is that while women are moving up, their male counterparts are doing quite the opposite. I recently read an article on CNN addressing this very issue. In 1950, only 5% of men were unemployed. Just last year the numbers jumped to 20%, the highest ever recorded in history. Women now surpass men in getting college degrees by nearly three to two. Not … Continue reading

“Princess Boys”

Boys who love dresses and the color pink aren’t exactly considered “normal” in our society. While girls who play with trucks are often simply referred to as tomboys, boys who want to play with dolls or wear dresses are discouraged from doing so. And as we know all too well, people who are classified as different, especially from an early age, are often ridiculed. They grow up with less self-esteem and the bullying they often endure has led some to take their own lives. Cheryl Kilodavis was a mom much like many of us, encouraging our girls to play with … Continue reading

Girls Will Be Boys, Boys Will Be Girls

My daughter has a doll. Her name is Georgina. This is a rather odd name here, and people often comment on it. You see, originally Georgina was going to be named George. However, after a number of comments on the fact that George was wearing a pink dress, my daughter changed her doll’s name to Georgina. My daughter thought very little of it, but I was a tad perturbed. I balk at the need for preschool children to fit into specific gender guidelines for behavior, and I don’t see the need for their dollies to do so either. I know … Continue reading

Dress Up Play for Boys

Dress up boxes for little girls are easy to put together, but what can you do for little boys? Boys like to put on different clothes and have fun pretending too. I thought I’d share some of the things that have been in our costume box. Hats are fun and easy. And sometimes it’s all kids need to start rolling on a pretend game. When my oldest was a toddler, I bought a set of plastic hats that all my kids loved. There was a fireman’s hat, a construction hard hat, a police hat, and a motorcycle helmet. It was … Continue reading

Things Your Preschooler Learns While Playing Part 2

Are you concerned that your preschooler is too busy playing to learn anything? It seems to be a constant theme for homeschooling moms who want to see some measurable progress in their child. Well, do not worry, your child really is learning. In part 1 of things your preschooler learns while playing. I wrote about the importance of playing with Lego’s and driving toy cars, among other things. Here is Part 2 of things your preschooler learns while playing. Playing with dolls: Roll playing with dolls can teach preschoolers many important life skills. The natural lesson for many children is … Continue reading

Prepare Your Home for a Playdate

With the holidays over and winter here, the kids may be getting a little anxious. Playdates are a great way to allow your kids and yourself a way to socialize when you are stuck indoors. If you are hosting a playdate at your home, here are some things to keep in mind. Preparing your home will make the playdate go smoothly. First pick the area for play. Decide where the kids can play and where they will be allowed to go. One large room that can be gated off for little ones is ideal. This way the parents can spend … Continue reading

How I Became Your Mother: Thanksgiving and LeRoy’s Boys

Continued from: The Journey of How I Became Your Mother: The Story of Joe and Eddie. When I was growing up we always seemed to have Extra children in our family–especially during the Holidays. As a young Minister Uncle Eddie was called to be involved in the local boys home. The 1970’s version of an orphanage. Our Thanksgivings had so many children it was almost like a fair! And, because I grew up in California our Thanksgivings were warm and dry. We would have three-legged-races, and potato bag jumping, football and ice cream. My parents house and yard were bigger, … Continue reading

A House Full of Boys, Part 2

I recently wrote about the traits of little boys and what a household full of them would look like. People have commented favorably about the article but almost everyone pointed out something that had been left off the list. I am going to try to remember all of the suggestions. Boys really like puddles, especially if they are dressed up for church or school. A young male is simply unable to walk around a puddle. There is so much joy in seeing the splashes and feeling your shoes get wet. Will Moms never learn that rainy days and new clothes … Continue reading

How to Childproof Your Toddler’s Room

Toddlers are really good at getting into things that parents wish they would leave alone. A viral video that showed a dresser falling over onto twin toddler boys made many parents want to learn how to childproof their toddler’s room. You may have seen the viral video that showed two twin toddlers climbing up their dresser when they were supposed to be sleeping. The two-year-old boys, Bowdy and Brock, figured out how to open up the bottom drawers of the dresser and use them like a step so they could climb up to the top of the dresser. Unfortunately, the … Continue reading