Winter Woolens: Finger Knitting

If you want to practice wool crafts, knitting, and crocheting with your children, but you find that they don’t have the patience or dexterity to finish a project, then finger knitting may be for you! A few years ago, I facilitated a knitting and crocheting class. A few of the women who came were not keen at all on the idea of knitting. It takes too long, they said. I heartily agreed. In the corner, my daughter was playing around with some yarn. She was trying to finger knit. One of the women asked what she was doing, so I … Continue reading

Easy and Popular Christmas Gifts You Can Make

This year, why not cut your holiday gift budget in half or even more by making some wonderful homemade gifts. Forget the crocheted potholders and the macaroni art, the following popular gifts will be appreciated and used. In fact, they are so popular, you might even find a couple of them among the gifts that you get! Baked Gifts From cookie platters to quick breads, baked goods can certainly hit the spot during the holidays. Pick up some inexpensive dishes, loaf pans and other containers at your local thrift store. Pretty containers that your gift recipient can keep are much … Continue reading

DIY Kid’s Christmas Crafts Kits

While foam crafts and pre-made Christmas kits are fun, the cost of all of those supplies can really add up. Fortunately, there are many fun Christmas crafts that you prepare ahead of time for kids. These do it yourself kits can be given as gifts, used as group crafts or just enjoyed with your kids at home. I know about preparing kid’s Christmas kits first hand, thanks to our annual Christmas festival at our church. We prepare different craft kits that can be used by the children in the Sunday School, in SuperChurch, in the preschool and during the three … Continue reading

Candy Cane Crafts

It’s raining candy canes in our home. We attended a number of St. Nick’s Day parties and events in the last 48 hours where my daughter raked in quite a haul of candy canes. We are now the proud owners of more than two-dozen candy canes in a variety of sizes and flavors. (Who knew Jolly Rancher made candy canes?) Two-dozen seasonal sweet treats is way too much for a 6-year-old to consume, so I talked my daughter into using some of her candy canes to make Christmas crafts. Needless to say, my Martha Stewart wannabe jumped at the chance. … Continue reading

Winter Storm Sanity Savers

It’s funny how Mother Nature tends to dictate a parent’s schedule. For example, I have a slew of family members living on the East Coast who are bracing for a major winter storm. Significant snow is predicted to make traveling a nightmare for residents in Maryland, Delaware, Virginia and New Jersey. The storm has forced my cousin to cancel a business trip to Boston. Instead, she’ll spend the snow day trying to figure out how to keep her four kids entertained indoors. If you are looking for ways to keep the kiddos from contracting a severe case of cabin fever, … Continue reading

Keeping Kids Busy During Winter Break

You know winter break may be wearing out its welcome when you send your kid outside to play with his Crayola Sidewalk Paint Sprayer in the snow and subzero windchill. My neighbor’s 8-year-old spent a good chunk of this afternoon decorating snow banks with a toy typically reserved for warm weather fun. The sight prompted me to phone his mother and share a chuckle. I called, but she wasn’t laughing. Apparently, my neighbor sent her son outside (with multiple layers of snow gear on) to regain her sanity. The kid, who’s in week two of his Christmas break from school, … Continue reading

Winter Break Sanity-Savers: Indoor Fun

School’s out for winter break, more than half of the country is still digging out from the Christmas Storm of ’09 and your kids are beginning to bore of their new toys from Santa… now what? If you are desperately looking for ways to preserve your sanity while the kids climb the walls, you are in luck. Forget about sending each child to his room to sulk; rather, consider gathering the entire clan in the kitchen to make the following edible projects. After all, nothing says winter warm-up better than a cup of Snowflake Hot Chocolate and spicy Gingerbread Cookies. … Continue reading

Leaf Crafts for Toddlers

It’s just about fall! The older kids are heading back to school. If you are looking for crafty activities to do with your baby or toddler, here are a few fun ideas. If you have preschoolers too, be sure to check out these fun end of summer and beginning of fall ideas as well! With babies and toddlers, doing art is about getting messy, exploring new textures, and working on fine and large motor skills. Oh yeah, it’s also about having fun! Where I live, the leaves are just beginning to change colors. Go out on a leaf hunt with … Continue reading

Educational Craft Ideas for Kids

Growing up, whenever my brothers and I would complain about being bored my parents would suggest building a bridge to China… or California, or Costa Rica. Maybe it was because we lived in Hawaii, and constructing a bridge anywhere over the Pacific was not such a bad idea. Fast forward a few decades… I’m a parent living in the Midwest and I have yet to use the “build a bridge” line on my own daughter. However, when the time comes to make the suggestion I plan to make it an educational experience. Bridge building can be a terrific learning activity. … Continue reading

Simple Snow Day Crafts for Kids

For parents, who have been affected by this week’s dangerously cold Artic blast, today marks the third day in a row that your kids have been cooped up indoors. By now your sanity may be as compromised as your video library. If so, you might consider the following simple craft ideas. They may not be as liberating as a sunny 80 degree day, but they will keep your kids busy for a few hours and perhaps preserve the last remaining hairs on your head. EDIBLE PLAY-DOH Ingredients: 2 cups flour 2 cups warm water 1 cup salt 2 tablespoons vegetable … Continue reading