Long Lost Postcard Finally Returned to Family

There is something very special about the letters and postcards that were written by an ancestor. These treasures give genealogists a rare opportunity to have their ancestor tell a story, in his or her own words. It can be exciting to discover a letter or postcard that you did not know existed. One family had a long, lost, postcard from an ancestor delivered to them ninety-six years after it was written. Letters, postcards, and journals that were written by your ancestors are precious. Genealogists can learn a lot from these hand written little time capsules. You might hear a story … Continue reading

What Type of Health Insurance Does Your Child Have?

A recent study finds that children who are covered by a private insurance plan get more care in the emergency room than do kids who are covered by a public form of health insurance, or who are uninsured. What type of health insurance coverage does your child have? In September of 2011, a survey was done that included over 100 doctors who worked in emergency departments. The survey was conducted by a group called Truth on Call for msnbc.com. Out of the 100 doctors in the survey, 84 of them said that they had given (or would give) extra attention … Continue reading

The First Days Post-Partum

The day of and the day after my daughters birth were marked by significant and abrupt changes. My body underwent a tremendous transformation in a matter of hours. The most obvious of course was that I was no longer pregnant. I still felt heavy in my abdomen and pelvis. I experienced a lot more discomfort after my daughter’s birth than I did with my son’s birth. Thankfully, I was able to rest with my newborn while my husband and family attended to our needs. The only time I had to stand and walk around (which seemed more difficult the second … Continue reading

Insurance Issues for Twins Born In Different Years

A pair of twins was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota. One twin was born before 2011 had officially ended, and the other twin was born after 2012 had begun. How does having different birth years affect the health insurance of the twin’s parents? Beckett and Freya Humenny, who are fraternal twins, were born in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Beckett was born at 6:40 p.m. on December 31, 2011. I think that everyone is aware that women can only give birth to one baby at a time. Twins usually share the same birthdate, (but different birth times). Freya was born a few hours after … Continue reading

New Information About the Insurance Exchanges

New information has been released this week regarding how the health insurance exchanges will actually function. People have been wondering for quite some time now about how the exchanges will help them. This week, new grant money has been given to states, and new rules have been explained. This week, the Obama administration allocated $185 million in the form of a grant. The grant money is going to be split between thirteen states, and the District of Columbia. The money is to be used to set up the new health insurance exchanges in those states. One of the expenses involved … Continue reading

Let The Little Rocket Company Launch Your Genealogy Into Space

Most genealogists spend a large part of their lives working on their genealogy research. The hope is that your family tree, family photos, and family history will outlast you, and be passed down to your descendants. One way to do that is with a time capsule. Or, you can let The Little Rocket Company launch your family memories into space! People have been making their own genealogy time capsules for quite some time now. In order to do this, you need to gather together some of your important research. Things like a copy of your pedigree, or your family tree, … Continue reading

Starting a Motor

I don’t really remember when I was really young. My parents often ask me about this or that family vacation and I truly have a hard time remembering. Sometimes they show me pictures which help my memory a little bit but I am largely unable to mentally recall much of my time when I was young. Part of my problem is reflection. I don’t really take the time to remember my past because my present is so busy. It is hard to commit time to remembering games in the backyard with my brothers when I’m concentrating on managing a 400+ … Continue reading

Can Evening Primrose Oil Help Soften the Cervix

Proponents of natural birth methods and many midwives swear by using evening primrose oil to help ripen the cervix. Evening primrose oil contains prostaglandins, which are used for inducing labor. It is said to help soften and ripen the cervix to help prepare it for the birth of your baby. Evening primrose oil is more commonly used by midwives. Very few obstetricians employ this method for softening the cervix. Most go to the medical methods of stripping the membranes or inducing labor with prostaglandins or pitocin. There is some debate about the effectiveness of evening primrose oil. Like other natural … Continue reading

Diagnostic Criteria for Amphetamine (or Related Substance) Intoxication

In previous articles, we discussed the origins, medicinal use and side effects of the amphetamine family of drugs. The criteria for amphetamine (including speed, Ecstacy, methamphetamine, ice) intoxication as outlined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR) are as follows: 1. Clinically significant maladaptive behavior or psychological changes ( e.g euphoria or emotional blunting i.e. unempathic behavior, changes in sociability, hypervigilance (nervousness, tenseness), impaired judgment or impaired social or occupational functioning, interpersonal sensitivity, anxiety, or anger that develops during or shortly after use of an amphetamine-type substance. 2. The presence of two (or more) of the following, … Continue reading

Remembering the Fun

Whether your photographic storage solution involves Apple’s iPhoto program, like this writer, neatly organized photo albums or even a gigantic canvas beach bag filled to the brim with packages of pictures like my mother once employed, you should take the time to sit down as a family, flip through some photos and reminisce about the fun times, cool sights and goofy moments you experienced together. My family had a pretty exciting 2006. We traveled great distances three times: The Gulf Coast of Florida, Maine, and France. We also made shorter trips to New York City, Philadelphia and a couple of … Continue reading