An Affordable Treasury of Fun

There’s no easier way for kids to explore new and exciting worlds than cuddling up with a favorite book.  Adventures await on each page and there’s no telling where your child’s imagination can take her once she peels back the front cover. And that’s just with one book.  Imagine the fun kids can have when they are gifted with a treasury of stories. If you are looking for an affordable way to keep your kids entertained this summer, consider investing in a box set of books.  My daughter adores her Little Critter Bedtime Stories set.  The colorful collection is a … Continue reading

Steve Martin Makes History and Sarah Palin Goes for Broke

There is just something about Steve Martin that makes me melt… like chocolate on a hot sidewalk. He is one of my favorite actors, and I am now counting down the days until he makes history on NBC. The super funnyman is set to host “Saturday Night Live” for a record 15th time on January 31st. This will be his first appearance in three years. I can’t wait! Martin is the reason I‘ve seen “Father of the Bride,“ Cheaper by the Dozen,” “The Jerk,” “All of Me” “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels,” “L.A. Story,” “Parenthood” and “Planes, Trains and Automobiles” more than … Continue reading

Free Christmas Fun in Indianapolis

Who says you need to spend a bundle to have some holiday family fun? The economy is tanking and managers of Indianapolis-area attractions are responding by offering fabulous freebies during the 12 days leading up to Christmas. In what is being dubbed the “12 Free Days Of Indy Christmas” celebration, visitors will be gifted with free admission and other goodies at participating attractions. For example, on Saturday, December 13th, the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Hall of Fame Museum will be offering free admission to its collection of trophies and cars. On Sunday, December 14th, you can tour the President Benjamin Harrison … Continue reading

Fun with History – The White House

My daughter came home from school today and told me that the President lived in the White House. She wanted to know why it was called that. So we trotted off into my office to pull up the web page on the White House and to read about it. Let me preface this whole story with the caveat that when all was said and done, she wanted to know why the President got to live there and I told her it was pretty simple – the house was built to be a home for the President – whomever he or … Continue reading

Disney Logo Change

When I went to see “The Muppets” I was so excited for my favorite puppet troop’s long-awaited big screen revival that I didn’t notice something interesting. In fact, I didn’t even realize that this something had happened until December, when all of a sudden a ton of news stories broke about it (perhaps I wasn’t the only one who didn’t notice right away). Disney’s changed its famous pre-film logo again. This time, instead of giving it another animated overhaul, they’ve changed the name. Rather than saying “Walt Disney Pictures,” it just reads “Disney.” The funny thing is, even when I … Continue reading

Pets and Politicians

As the 2012 political race heats up candidates are trying to find new angles from which to score voters. Republican candidate Newt Gingrich has chosen pets as one of his. He recently launched a website called “Pets With Newt 2012.” The website mainly functions as a sort of social network, or at least pet picture website, where Gingrich supporters can send in photos of their animals with a caption that provides their name and reads “I’m With Newt!” The site also reveals that Gingrich’s love for animals extends beyond those of the domesticated variety, with a large front page picture … Continue reading

What’s Your Favorite Laundry Detergent?

I have been a loyal liquid Tide user for decades. I prefer the scent of Gain, but Tide does the job, has a milder smell, and doesn’t cause my daughter’s eczema to flair. My mom used Tide to clean our clothes when I was a kid, so perhaps that’s where my brand loyalty originated. What’s your favorite laundry detergent? What’s more, what makes it your favorite? In addition to the fact that Tide gets my family’s clothes clean, I also appreciate that the company that markets the popular laundry detergent, Procter and Gamble, offers coupons Tide. Let’s face it; laundry … Continue reading

What is Urban Agriculture? Part 2

The other day, I was talking about urban agriculture in America through World War I. When the Great Depression hit in the U.S. in 1929, it hit hard and lasted about 10 years. During that time, many cities instituted what became known as relief gardens. These gardens, also called welfare garden plots, were used to not only feed people, but also take their minds off desperate times. In places like Detroit, city employees who still had jobs donated money to help finance the gardens. Soon, organizations such as the Family Welfare Society and Employment Relief Commission were formed to help … Continue reading

Four Tips for Settling a Nervous Stomach

When my dogs have an upset stomach, I know just what to do: cook up a pot of white rice, mix it with some chicken broth, and serve it up. But when I’m dealing with my own nervous stomach, the solution isn’t quite so easy. A “nervous stomach” is often a symptom of stress… at least, it is for me! As the stress level in my life goes up (I feel like I’m at Stresscon Five right now), my stomach wants to join the party. Sometimes, I lose my appetite. More often, the problem shows up at the end of … Continue reading

Parents Making the Most of Obama Inauguration

Are you keeping your kids home from school tomorrow? TV journalist Linda Ellerbee, along with a handful or other renown child psychologists, are encouraging parents around the nation to keep their kids home from school tomorrow in order to make Inauguration Day a family affair. Regardless of your party affiliation, these childhood “experts” say President-elect Barack Obama’s swearing in as our country’s first African-American president is a historic moment that should be witnessed and discussed as a family. Basically, Ellerbee and crew maintain that learning should begin at home and parents should make the most of tomorrow’s historic events. So … Continue reading