Homemade Thanksgiving Decorations Courtesy of Mother Nature

Don’t break the bank buying a slew of Thanksgiving decorations this year. Rather, take a walk around your yard or stroll through a local park. That’s where you’ll be able to pick up materials needed to make your own festive holiday decor… for free. Take a look: NATURE-MADE THANKSGIVNG WREATH Let your creativity flow when making this wreath. You are only limited by the amount and variety of natural materials that you’re able to gather. In addition to being an extremely affordable craft, this natural wreath is also a breeze to make. If you organize your materials ahead of time … Continue reading

A Week’s Worth of Fall Fun

Welcome to autumn. Monday was the first official day of fall and to celebrate we kicked off a slew of simple projects to celebrate the season. Whether you are looking for affordable ways to decorate your home or you simply need kid-friendly art projects to keep your little ones busy as they count down to Halloween the following blogs should come in quite handy: Simple Halloween Crafts: Fun with Paper Plates. Banish the “Mom-I’m-bored” blues by letting your kids turn ordinary paper plates into legitimate Halloween decorations. These craft projects are perfect for cash strapped families looking to get into … Continue reading

Homemade Holiday Decorations: Fun with Pinecones

It’s affordable, it’s fun, it’ll keep your children busy for hours, and at the end you’ll have incredible items to decorate your home with… what more could you ask for in a holiday craft project? The pinecone owls are a cute way to get your family into the Halloween spirit. While the pinecone turkeys make for unique place card holders during your Thanksgiving get together. If you are hosting Thanksgiving this year consider having a separate craft table set up for the kids so they can construct the pinecone turkeys while the real bird cooks in the oven. The simple … Continue reading

Frugal Holiday Fun

The holidays don’t have to be all about spending money on gifts and decorations. Honestly, I can’t understand the craziness of going out to one hundred stores to find the must-have toy or electronics item, or spending a fortune on last minute gifts just because you have to have something for someone you barely know. Although we don’t always succeed (yes, I am guilty of running out last night to the card store to get gifts for teachers my son doesn’t even have), we try to focus on family during the holiday season. Here are my favorite ways to have … Continue reading

Cool Candy Cane Creations

They are the quintessential Christmas candy that will hook you with a simple lick. However, these days candy canes are not just for eating; rather, your entire family can have fun by using the sweet treats as decorations during the holiday season. With the economy still in the dumpster, many people are looking for affordable ways to spruce up their homes in time for Christmas. Candy canes are an inexpensive item that can be purchased in bulk and used to create the following festive items: Candy Cane Vase: Unwrap mini candy canes and glue them end-to-end around the top and … Continue reading

How to Make Your Own Scarecrow

Thank goodness for scarecrows and pumpkins. As I mentioned in a previous blog they are some of the only seasonal decorations my young daughter can stand to be around without having a full-blown meltdown. Given that she is petrified of gory Halloween décor our home has turned into a haven for happy homemade scarecrows and our porch is a virtual pumpkin patch. If you are looking to add tame seasonal décor to your home (either because your own children are deathly afraid of fake bloody limbs and screeching plastic bats or you simply want to make your house a welcome … Continue reading

Fall Crafts: Making Paper Bag Pumpkins

My daughter is far too young to wield a knife and carve crazy caricatures on fresh pumpkins so this time of year I am constantly on the look out for more age appropriate craft ideas. This next paper bag pumpkin project was a hit last year with our 3-year-old playgroup. Not only is it festive, but also simple and affordable. This particular project also proved especially helpful for my family as I was searching for craft projects my daughter and I could make for my ailing grandmother who had recently been placed in a nursing home in Hawaii following a … Continue reading

How to Make a Unique Fall Wreath with Your Kids

If you have ever been on a fall nature hike with young children then you know that deep pockets come in very handy. I swear my preschooler is part squirrel. She collects anything and everything as though she was preparing for hibernation. Last week when her playgroup visited a local arboretum we left with dozens of nuts, leaves, blades of grass, sticks, flowers… you name it, my daughter had it crammed in her jacket pockets. One of the other moms suggested we create a homemade treasure box to bring along on our next hike to store her precious goods, but … Continue reading

Go Batty this Halloween

Let me start by saying that this is not a project you want to undertake with a 3-year-old (or any child under the age of 6). Trust me; I know from experience. Last year my crafty friend hosted a party for our playgroup (made up of children 3 and under) so the kids could make homemade Halloween decorations and this one was way too advance despite the end product looking so basic. If you have older children, who are adept at working with acrylic paint, have the dexterial skills to use scissors, pinch and gather paper, and perhaps most importantly, … Continue reading