Did the Olympics Inspire You?

While the Olympic games may be behind us now (at least until the Summer Games in 2012), the Olympic spirit may stick with you long after the Closing Ceremonies. And you don’t have to be an Olympic-level athlete to let the Games inspire you to better health! Olympic Inspiration Number One: introduction to new sports. It seems like they add new sports to the Games each year — one I’d never seen or heard of before this year was ski cross. But it sure looked like fun: four athletes side-by-side on a course that includes turns, jumps, and fast-paced passes. … Continue reading

Baby Blog Month in Review: August 2008

Isn’t it crazy the way babies grow so quickly? It seems that you just get used to one stage and boom they are already into another. Tonight, were busy getting the household all set for my eldest child’s first day of second grade. My two younger ones are excited and want to start school, too. It will be a busy month. Don’t worry about the missing last week of blogs. I’ve gotten quite a few questions about where I have been. The Baby Blog tends to go on hiatus the last week of the month. That may change in the … Continue reading

Baby Blog Week in Review: August 4th Through August 10th

Did you catch the Summer Olympics Opening Ceremony? We all enjoyed watching most of it as a family and thought it was spectacular. Did you find yourself bouncing or rocking along to the music? Recent research shows that bouncing your baby to music may affect his later music preference in life. We have this story, plus more this past week. Catch up on what you might have missed. August 4th Baby Blog Week in Review: July 28th Through August 3rd Safety and summer fun have been two themes occurring in the Baby Blog for last week. From tougher toy standards … Continue reading

Is your Home-life too busy for some Family Fun?

Sometimes, even the good things in life can seem like another source of stress or feel like just another expense in growing pile of bills. It’s sad, but it happens. We just have so much going on that it can be overwhelming. It seems like there isn’t even time to relax and have a little fun. That’s when we have to get organized and make time. We all need something to look forward to… Even a simple, inexpensive outing or night of fun at home can make a huge difference. You can find some great ideas in the Family Fun … Continue reading

Indoor Family Olympics

If the weather is still a bit chilly, or if it’s raining or muddy outside, you can create your very own Indoor Family Olympics! Put your thinking caps on and come up with ideas that while active, silly, and fun, can still be done inside without destroying the house. Balancing Books Each person must make it from the starting point to the finish line with a book on top of his or her head. No hands! If the book falls, stop and put it back on the head, and continue. It’s best to use paperbacks instead of hard covers, so … Continue reading

Rare Dog Breeds: The Chinook

In 1965 the Guinness Book of World Records declared that the Chinook dog is the rarest breed in the world. That contradicts what I read about the Lundehund, but then I’ve seen various insinuations of this about a couple different breeds, so I’m just collecting them all under my “rare breeds” category. The Chinook dog has only existed since the early 20th century, so it didn’t have much time to proliferate before breed creator Arthur Treadwell Walden died in the 1960s. That made it a very rare breed (what earned it the title in ’65), but Chinook enthusiasts have dedicated … Continue reading

Naming Your Baby as an Art Form?

I get that people tend to name their children after the popular trend. When we chose the name ‘Emily’ for one of our twins, it was at that time, the most popular name in the United States only to be beaten by “Emma”. It seems to me that there is no rhyme or reason to what is popular at a given time. Some parents I think try to avoid trends. . .so I imagine Emma and Emily will go out of fashion in a few years just as Jennifer did. I suppose that there were lots of Madonnas in the … Continue reading


In honor of the NFL’s big game this weekend, our family is playing a lot of a game we like to call Fumble! To begin, we find any ball lying around the house. Our favorite to use is actually not a proper ball at all, but a cat toy. It is a little plush, bouncy blue and black soccer ball that is perfect because of its small size (about that of a small Clementine) and overall elusiveness. The game starts simply enough, with my daughter and I tossing the ball back and forth pretending to play basketball or football (or … Continue reading

Getting Creative At Home

You may have noticed that I often tend to focus on creative ways to play at home, as a family. That is directly related to the fact that we are not the over-scheduling types, leaving us plenty of time at home together to be silly and find interesting ways to entertain ourselves. On a recent Sunday morning, my daughter and I were on my king bed playing with Mr. Potts and the rest of the Chitty gang. She was pretending that they were going potty, taking naps, going down slides and having a picnic. As she was coming up with … Continue reading