That’s Good – That’s Bad Writing Game

Do your kids ever tell each other those “that’s good – that’s bad” jokes? My kids love them. I found 100 dollars! That’s good. It was only Monopoly money. That’s bad. Here is a writing game based on those jokes. You start with a sentence like “I went to the zoo” or “I found an alligator” or “I lost my penguin”. Once you give the starter sentence, then you and the kids take turns coming up with either something that is good, or something that is bad. You can use a spinner or dice from a board game to make … Continue reading

Writing Fun

Writing projects can be a fun thing for a family to do together. Writing skills are something that schools test for and emphasize these days. My boys are all supposed to keep journals for school. They also have to write papers, book reports, essays and short stories. Here’s a few ways to help writing time be fun. Sometimes coming up with the ideas for stories is the hardest part. I like to use story dice. You can either build your own paper dice, or put stickers on extra dice. On each side of the dice the kids can write people, … Continue reading

What to do With Small Chunks of Alone Time

My last blog had some ways to get alone time, now that you have that time available, what are you supposed to do? Well, what you actually do is all dependent on your likes and dislikes, as well as exactly how much time you have. The number one thing you must do is take that time for yourself. I know it’s hard when you have that extra 15 minutes NOT to do an extra chore around the house, or get a jump on some work you need done, but you must resist that urge. You made this time for you … Continue reading