A Busy Guy Part II

My two year old, who is almost three, is a really busy guy his non stop energy is …. well non stop! After a very busy morning of running around the house, jumping on the couch or his bed or my bed (I put a stop to that really quickly), dancing to music, playing in the sink with the claim that he is washing his hands, we begin our very busy afternoon with lunch. He will usually sit down to eat his lunch but in a matter of minutes he is up doing the next thing. Since it has been … Continue reading

A Busy Guy

My son is a busy guy. His day begins when ever he wakes up (like most kids) usually around eight in the morning. Sometimes he will climb into our bed with some toys and play which always involves playing with his baby sister. Rousing us (the parents) at eight in the morning is sometimes difficult given how late we end up going to bed, but he does a fairly good job by climbing on us and typically putting his feet, knees, elbows, or hands in our faces. Now that he is potty trained, he will need to use the potty … Continue reading

Keeping Toddlers Busy in the Kitchen

There is something about late afternoon and toddlers. I’ve even heard it called the witching hour. Everyone is tired and cranky. I remember trying to fix dinner and the kids didn’t want to stay in the kitchen where I could see them. Or they wanted to help. And some nights we just didn’t have time for them to “help”. My own children are now way past the toddler stage, but I thought I’d share my favorite fun tricks from back in the day. All my boys loved stirring a handful of cheerios in a large mixing bowl. Sometimes I even … Continue reading

Payment for Chores

My elder daughter is three. Accounting for delays, she’s more of a two-year-old. We have not started giving her an allowance yet. Her experiences with money thus far are swallowing a quarter and getting cards from Grandma with a dollar inside. She can’t read, but she recognizes Grandma’s writing and her name on the envelope. She tears into the cards and triumphantly holds up the dollar telling us it’s money and a dollar. I haven’t asked her what she’s saving for. I’m saving for a new chair for her since her pink rocking chair broke. She’d probably choose something else … Continue reading

Fun With Laundry and Towels

When I cleaned out our linen closet the other day I ended up making a huge pile of towels and sheets in the hallway. The kids laughed at the mountain of linens. I told them it used to be one of their favorite games, but they didn’t believe me. Truly though, if you have a toddler in the house, pile all the cushions, blankets, and towels together to make a mountain. They will have great fun climbing up the pile and rolling down. You can even sing mountain songs like “She’ll be Coming Round the Mountain” and “The Bear Climbed … Continue reading

Week in Review – Fun

Celebrate summer with Sidewalk Chalk Games and Whistling with a Blade of Grass. If you are feeling crafty try Squeeze ‘n Brush Paints or Polymer Clay. For more inside fun, try The 50 States Game and Penny Football. Read some fun and simple ideas for Keeping Toddlers Busy in the Kitchen. It’s always fun to find new camping supplies, or even just to spend the day in the woods Pretend Camping. Check back this week for more ideas for summer fun!

Summer Fun with Kids—-Making Tanning Teddy Bear Cupcakes

It could be sunny and 100 degrees outside, yet my young daughter would opt to help out in the kitchen than play in the sprinkler. She is a culinary whiz (with a butter knife) and loves to whip up tasty treats regardless of the season. If your kids love to cook (or at least lend a hand to the cook) then this next recipe will keep them entertained for hours. It is a perfect rainy day activity or one that could be made the night before a summertime picnic, a family potluck or a Fourth of July party. It features … Continue reading