Opposite Sex Friendships: Playing with Fire

I’ll warn you ahead of time.  You may not agree with anything I have to say in this blog.  In fact, you might think I’m living in the dark ages…but that’s okay. The issue I’m talking about today is friendships with the opposite sex.  But please understand ahead of time that I am coming at this from the angle of seeing the destruction it almost cost my marriage and the fact I have been married for 21 ½ years. My opinion is that having a friendship with someone of the opposite sex is playing with fire.  Think about how many … Continue reading

Every Day is Mother’s Day

Don’t we wish? Mother’s Day 2012 has come and gone, but if you are like me, then you are just now working on phase 2 of the holiday—scrapbook layout design. After all, you can’t create a memorable album or layout without relevant photos. I just got back a slew of photos snapped last week during our Mother’s Day celebrations. A lot of them were taken at the hotel where we had brunch and the park we strolled through after our gorge-fest trying to burn off some of the calories we downed at the all-you-can-eat Mother’s Day buffet. I grouped the … Continue reading

Taking a Mental Health Day

If you’re like me, you don’t get regularly scheduled days off from work. I can request time off from my editor if I know well in advance of an upcoming vacation or something. But I don’t schedule myself regular time off. For instance, my husband automatically gets four weeks of vacation each year. I also find myself working on a lot of holidays. And while that may be my choice, it is also part of what can happen when you work from home. Many people have this misconception that working from home means excess free time. But I have actually … Continue reading

Single Parenting an Opposite Gender Child

I think I’ve had it pretty easy as a single mother, I had one child and she is a girl, this is territory that I know! What if you are a single parent raising the opposite gender child? You have some learning to do and it will be easier than you think! Dad while discipline may come easier for you than the nurturing side of parenting, you must remember to nurture. If your little girl gets a boo boo it’s important that you are comforting and kiss it better if necessary. This is not the time for life is not … Continue reading

Sunday Mornings

Sunday mornings are my favorite time. Ever since getting divorced is seems like Sunday morning is really the only time Hailey and I can slow down and just enjoy each other’s company. When she was younger there was always so much to do, the weeks were packed and Saturday was super busy with all the household stuff that was neglected all week, but Sunday was our day. Sunday has always been the day we get to slow down, we have a huge breakfast and spend most of the day in our pajamas. We don’t always “do” things together, although sometimes … Continue reading

Diffusing Family Drama during the Holidays

When my children were younger, it was so much easier to shield them from certain things…for instance, family drama. For the most part they weren’t aware of some of the “interesting” behavior that sometimes transpired between family members. Now that they are teens, well, they are more than aware of what happens. In fact, now they have an attitude of “So what is it going to be this holiday?” I really hate that. I mean, it grieves my heart that my children have to wonder what new drama will unfold. But family never lets them down…sure enough, our Thanksgiving started … Continue reading

Keeping Holiday Food Warm

My husband has been on a mission for more than year: to find the perfect chafing dish or other means to keep food warm for family get togethers, church functions and other celebrations. Chafing dishes, or should I say, the perfect chafing dishes, are hard to find. We have looked at a number of them and they have all failed the test, according to my husband. He has something particular in mind. Since we are chafing dish-less, I have found a number of other ways to keep the holiday food warm. When traveling with a meal, there are a number … Continue reading

Twin Sisters Give Birth on the Same Day

Two twin sisters in Indiana ended up giving birth on the same day. This was unexpected, because one of the twins was supposed to give birth a bit later than the other. Instead, their babies ended up sharing the same birthday. Are their twins in your family tree? The discovery of ancestors who were twins are one of the things that can make genealogy research interesting. It could make you want to search through old family photos, to see how closely the twins resembled each other. Or, you might want to do some additional research, to see if there was … Continue reading

The Opposite of an Insurance Incentive

The mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel, has just announced details about his new “wellness plan”. City employees who choose not to participate in it will be charged $50.00 more on their health insurance. This could be called an insurance “disincentive”. Some employers are able to offer employer sponsored health insurance to their employees. It has become a fairly common practice to offer the employees certain types of incentives that are designed to reduce the cost the business pays for health insurance, overall. Usually, it works by rewarding employees who lose weight, stop smoking, or who start working out, with a … Continue reading

Valentine’s Day Love: How Young is Too Young?

When my brother was in the sixth grade he socked away four months’ worth of allowance and added it to two months’ worth of salary he earned as a paperboy. Then, a week before Valentine’s Day, he and my mom went to a local jewelry store where my brother proceeded to fork over his life savings to purchase a gold chain with a matching jewel encrusted letter “M” charm, for a girl named Michelle. Michelle was to my brother what the little red-haired girl was to Charlie Brown. Out. Of. His. League. Sad story short, after purchasing the necklace, wrapping … Continue reading