Family Fun Week in Review

Spring is here! From starting seeds, to playing baseball, to early morning crafts, we have had a busy week in the Family Fun section. Lauri explained an easy way to start seeds for beginning gardeners. She also encouraged us to press the off button and spend some time having fun as a family in Turn off the TV for Fun. In Kids and Their Money, Jeff told us about a Super ATM that will help kids development money awareness. Jeff celebrated a milestone in his family in From Crib to Bed – part 4. He’s got great ideas for making … Continue reading

Quickie Crafts for A Busy Family

Modern family life is a busy enterprise. There is school and work, of course, but then there is tee ball practice, ballet class, and gymnastics along with countless other childhood endeavors to contend with and schedule family time around. Next time you are feeling strapped for quality family time, consider squeezing something quirky, quick and fun into an unexpected timeslot. For example, our mornings are, like most American families, pretty hectic – and we only have one child right now! We need to somehow peel back the comfortable sheet and comforter and rise for yet another jam-packed day and then … Continue reading

When Kids Are Not “Crafty”

Art projects, crafts, and childhood seem to go together. At least if you look at all the activities and projects available for children. But, just as all adults don’t enjoy or feel like they are “good” at crafts and art efforts, plenty of children do not enjoy crafts either. What can you do if you have a child who just isn’t “crafty”? My son was never someone who enjoyed the steady diet of cutting, pasting and coloring that was required in elementary school. It wasn’t that he was “against” it—he just didn’t really have the fine motor skills, or the … Continue reading

Bringing in the outside

My girl ran to the first dandelion to appear in our front yard this spring and promptly yanked it out. No, she was not weeding for me that was just a pleasant byproduct of her excitement for springtime. She carried that little yellow symbol of both April and a messy yard all the way to the market and back home again, even though the time spent in the hot car while we shopped made the weed a limp and sad shell of what it once was. When we arrived home, I ran around our side yard, which was covered in … Continue reading

$10 off $10 purchase at Rockler Woodworkers

There’s something about the smell of sawdust that’s comforting and intoxicating. We live in a heavily forested area that’s continuously being logged. When it’s close, I can sometimes smell the dust in the air. I also love the smell of a workshop where wood’s been cut. My grandfather used to have a barn in his backyard and I loved to be out there when he’d been working on lumber. Working with wood can be very relaxing and soothing. There’s a great sense of satisfaction when a piece is completed, no matter how small. David just finished a walking stick, carved … Continue reading

Keeping Kids on their Toes

I love to challenge my daughter. I challenge her to think differently, express herself, be confident and in numerous other subtle ways as well. I really enjoy keeping her on her toes so that she, and we, does not become too predictable in our choices, movements and actions. Because we are creatures of habit and because the daily routines of everyday life can often feel, to be frank, really boring over time, I started to think about ways I could mix it up from time to time, ever so subtly, and keep my girl guessing and thinking. It started innocuously … Continue reading