DIY Ghost Town

Nothing says Halloween like a room full of ghosts. Fortunately, crafting a bunch of floating spirits won’t cause you to scream when you reach for your wallet. Rather than fork over a ton of cash for ghostly decorations made by some factory worker, employ your own little ghouls and use everyday household materials to create these spooky souls: FOOTPRINT GHOSTS This ghostly craft can be made two ways: with or without paint. Depending on how much of a mess you are willing to clean up, you may opt for one over the other. The first requires old newspaper, black construction … Continue reading

Decorate for Halloween Without Going Overboard or Over Budget

Have you seen how much realistic-looking severed heads and limbs dripping with fake blood cost these days? Gore can really add up. If you are looking for ways to keep your Halloween decor and spending on the conservative side, you’re not alone. Millions of people across the country prefer embellishing their homes and offices with subtle holiday touches, such as: Leaf Garlands: Show your love for the season by purchasing inexpensive fall leaf garlands from discount stores. The vibrantly colored strands are an easy way to show your love for the season without going overboard. Simply drape the garland around … Continue reading

I Want My Mummy!

Where do mummies go for a swim? In the Dead Sea. Why couldn’t the mummy come outside? Because he was all wrapped up. What is a Mummy’s favorite type of music? Wrap. Why were ancient Egyptian children confused? Because their daddies were mummies. When you live with an 8-year-old, this is the type of entertainment you are treated to in the days leading up to Halloween. My daughter’s third grade class is celebrating the holiday with mummies, spiders and bats, and as a room mom, it’s my job to create party snacks to enhance the creepy theme. How am I … Continue reading

Seasonal Decorating on a Budget

Fall is in the air, and if you have kids, signs of the season are likely on your floors, tables and chairs. Yesterday, I found a colorful leaf near the bathtub. A soggy, orange leaf that likely hitched a ride on the bottom of my daughter’s shoe. While I am a huge fan of autumn’s brilliant colors, I’d prefer them sprucing up my home in others ways. For example, if you are trying to add seasonal flair to your home this fall, but don’t have a ton of money to buy elaborate decorations, consider crafting these affordable projects using natural … Continue reading

Cheap and Simple Fall Fun for Kids

You don’t have to spend a ton of money to have fun with kids. Sure, a trip to a fancy amusement park can be a real memory maker, but when it comes down to it, children relish simple moments with loved ones who shower them with attention and affection. You can do that and more by taking your kids on an outdoor adventure. Make the most of fall’s gorgeous weather by trekking around the block, to a park, or on the trails of a local arboretum. Most young children have extra energy to burn, so keep them busy by having … Continue reading

Do-It-Yourself Halloween Costumes for Boys

Part of the reason I allow my 5-year-old to attend so many Halloween-related events is that I want to get the most out of the money I dropped paying for her overpriced costume. However, if your son is content with using a costume simply to trick-or-treat, then you might consider making your own. After all, why should you drain your bank account if your little guy is only going to dress up for a couple of hours on Halloween night? Save your money, and instead, rummage through your home for the materials needed to make these simple, yet creative costumes: … Continue reading

Simple No-Sew Halloween Costumes

Whereas my mother could sew a bridge to connect Hawaii with California, I struggle to reattach buttons to blouses. If you are as bad a seamstress as I am, then you might have never considered making your own Halloween costume. Fortunately, there are a myriad of spooky getups you can create without having to sew a single stitch. Here are some ideas: Spider: Use a pair of black sweats and a black sweatshirt. For the spider’s legs, use old black pantyhose and stuff them with anything lightweight such as tissue paper or fiberfill. Then, staple or glue the pantyhose shut, … Continue reading

Coordinating Halloween Costumes

I’m not a matchy-matchy kind of mom. I’ve never once considered buying coordinating mother/daughter dresses, nor have I ever honored the request to dress my child in an outfit that complemented her cousin’s. However, when it comes to Halloween costumes, I’m a little more flexible. For some reason, I have a soft spot for matching Halloween costumes, especially when children are involved. To me, nothing is more adorable than seeing two kids standing at your front door wearing coordinating costumes. If you want your kids to complement each other this Halloween, then consider the following costume ideas: Elmo and Cookie … Continue reading

Cheap and Easy Halloween Costumes

Don’t let the slumping economy put a damper on your Halloween festivities. Just because you don’t have $50 to shell out for an elaborately designed costume from the Halloween store, doesn’t mean you can’t make the most of the haunted holiday. Simply gather materials from around your home and get your creative juices flowing to make the following cute and comfortable Halloween costumes: Bunny: Find a pink, brown or white sweatsuit and add a large pom-pom to the backside. For the ears, simply glue construction paper to a plastic headband. Skunk: Use a black sweatsuit and add a strip of … Continue reading

Affordable Halloween Couples Costumes

I recently suggested to my fellow blogger Andrea that her husband and her daughter should consider dressing up in coordinating Halloween costumes before heading out to trick-or-treat. After all, you don’t have to be married to dress up in couples’ costumes. Brothers and sisters, two friends, classmates or a pair of cousins could easily pull off the following looks: Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm: This is a cute idea for kids of the same age and height. If you don’t have another child to pair up with, you could use the idea for a parent/child costume and have mom or dad dress … Continue reading