Canadian Moms to Receive Finland Baby Boxes

Mothers in Canada are about to start receiving the popular maternity package that mothers in Finland have been receiving for 75 years. It is a maternity package from the government that is designed to be a starter kit of baby supplies. In Finland, an expectant mother will be given a box full of baby supplies by the state. This tradition dates back to the 1930’s, and is given to all infants in Finland, from all social backgrounds. The Finland Baby Boxes includes the following items: * Mattress, mattress cover, under sheet, duvet cover, blanket, sleeping bag/quilt * Snowsuit, hat, insulated … Continue reading

Is Your Inbox Overflowing?

I just read this excellent post by Richele McFarlin about the importance of responding to business communications promptly, and I couldn’t agree more. No matter what business you are in, responding to business communications promptly is an important practice that must be made a priority. If you find yourself constantly overwhelmed by a deluge of telephone, email, and other messages that require a response, it may be time to reevaluate some things about your home – based business. One way that you can deal with a volume of business communications that has gotten larger than you are able to comfortably … Continue reading

Love Day Photo Projects

Don’t waste a photo like this. Family pictures that showcase love are ideal to feature in Valentine’s Day photo projects. Fortunately, you don’t have to channel Martha Stewart to create stunning works of art to present to your sweetheart on Love Day. If you are craft challenged, then simply select a slew of your favorite family photos and display them in a shadow box. All you have to do is attach a series of pictures to the back panel of the shadow box frame with acid-free glue, add a couple of embellishments or personal mementos with pushpins, and you’ve got … Continue reading

Kiwi Crate: Fun in a Box

I have found one of the most exciting monthly mailing subscriptions for children out there. Kiwi Crate! Kiwi Crate is fun in a box. Your child will be thrilled each time that green box comes in the mail. What is Kiwi Crate: Kiwi Crate is a subscription service for children ages 3-6. They deliver hands-on learning and arts and crafts in one box. Kiwi Crate has an advisory panel of early childhood educators and experts who thoughtfully and purposefully put together projects to encourage learning and developmental skills. You can purchase subscriptions month to month or in three, six or … Continue reading

SidebySide: An Innovative New Projection Technology

When watching the Marvel film “Iron Man 2,” I was struck by something interesting. The portrayal of Tony Stark’s father Howard Stark, played by “Man Men” actor John Slatterly, reminded me of someone: Walt Disney. Within the movie Howard Stark is only seen in promotional films he made in the 1960s. He sports a sleek suit and trimmed mustache, and he addresses the audience from his private office. He leans against a large table containing a miniature model display of his latest project, which he describes to the audience. It’s all Walt Disney making his little filmed announcements about pioneering … Continue reading

The Global Soap Project

Soap is something I take for granted. If I don’t have any, I can easily and fairly cheaply go to the store and buy some. Heck, if I were extra resourceful, I could even make my own soap like some friends do. But, while many of us may take soap for granted, it isn’t that way in many parts of the world. Soap is a simple and essential part of fighting diseases, yet many communities are without it. Derreck Kayongo, a Ugandan war refugee, understood the importance of soap and formed the Global Soap Project. Now Kayongo is not only … Continue reading

Creating a Craft Box

When I was about six, our local church was cleaning out its closets and brought us over a huge box of craft odds and ends. It was filled to overflowing with wooden clothespins, sequins, tulle netting, pipe cleaners, squares of felt, fabric scraps—it was like a crafting wonderland. My mom immediately saw the possibilities and showed us all a way to take the tulle and sew it into little ballerina skirts to put on the clothespins. We hung those on our Christmas tree that year. I remember spending hours and hours making things out of the stuff in that box—some … Continue reading

Project Life- A Different Way to Scrapbook

I ran across a different concept in scrapbooking that might be a great way for a person thinking about scrapbooking to try their hand at it. Although, this product is not specific to beginning scrappers, it can be used by anyone. I liked the idea of this as an avid scrapper myself, and thought I’d share. The product is called Project Life. Started by a Mom passionate about scrapbooking, this is a cool way to get started on your scrapbooking for the upcoming year, or start it right now! Basically, it is a kit that can be either digital or … Continue reading

Homelearning Service Projects

One of the benefits of having more time and space to learn what you’d like is that your child has the opportunity to pursue volunteer and service projects that interest her. At work, I’m always inundated with phone calls from prospective volunteers during the summer months, but there are so many service opportunities that occur year round. Whether it’s service with your church as a family, membership in a club, or an independent service project, volunteer work gives your child the opportunity to make a meaningful contribution in an area of personal interest. The other day I asked my daughter … Continue reading

Meet My Recycling Box

If you ever happen to come into my kitchen, you may be struck with the sometime, okay usually, ugly box that is sitting next to the garbage can. It is usually cardboard and holds a wide variety of materials that may resemble garbage. In fact, many visitors to our home ignore the black garbage can that is sitting next to the box and instead throw their garbage into the box. This can get a little annoying, especially if the box winds up getting an array of food leftovers. Because of this, the box has had to be replaced several times … Continue reading